Beginner Beekeeper

Beginner Beekeeper
My first hive inspection

Thursday, February 25, 2010

We will have bees!

Around Christmas my wife Jitka and I have decided that we will start keeping bees. Not sure why. I guess, because it felt like a right thing to do. Bees are responsible for 1/3 of human food production with their polination. Recently, in last few decades, bees are decimated by multitude of pests and diseases. More people keeping bees the better.
Of course we did not know any of that, when we decided to keep bees. We just wanted to have bees, watch them grow and enjoy the honey.
So, we joined a local beekeeping club, Tampa Bay Beekeepers Association, awesome organization. Met lot of great people and started learning about bees.
Can't wait until we get our own bees.