Beginner Beekeeper

Beginner Beekeeper
My first hive inspection

Monday, May 30, 2011

Time lapse of bee activity in my Warre

Today I set up a camera to record activity in my Warre hive. I was insterested to see how the bees manage the cells that were built on one of the windows, creating nice crossection through the cells.
I recorded over 5 hours of bee activity and compressed it into 4.5 minutes. My Warre hive has observation windows so we can see what the bees are doing during the honey flow.
Watch the top cells in the left comb. The bees will eat the honey, clean up the empty cell and start filling it with fresh honey.
Also, the left comb appears to have some sort of parasite (wax moth larvae?) operating in the middle between the left and right side cells.

Friday, May 27, 2011

We have new queen

Well, the nature takes care of itself. The control hive must have swarmed for sure. But there is a new queen there. Stick eggs are everywhere and there are at least 3 queen cells with dead larvae in them. The new queen is defending her territory